What is a Pouf Ottoman

What is a Pouf Ottoman

I’ve been thinking about the seating situation in our living room. We have some lovely chairs that I would never get rid of, the pride and joy being a set of Bertoia Diamond Wire chairs Michael’s cousin gave to us and which we restored. We also have an awesome looking mid century rocking chair, and a less attractive but much more comfortable Ektorp loveseat from Ikea. The thing is, we like having people over often, and I worry that our living room seating options are just not that comfortable, especially for movie watching or board game playing. I’ve recently been turned on to the idea of “poufs.” They’re like if an ottoman and a floor pillow got drunk and made a baby.

Valvet Pouf



There are a couple at Urban Outfitters that I have been eyeing, like the one above here for an affordable $30, or the one below here for a pricier $89.

Urban Outfitters


I also like to lean towards a less formal and more coastal feeling with these rattan poufs from Ikea for $30, and since I know my cats will be all over these things, velvet is probably not the best option.

Ikea Alseda pouf (footstool)

The Ikea Alseda pouf (footstool) is a little bit low to the ground, so I like the idea of stacking them as needed. And below here is just the girly girl in me liking pretty flowers. This pouf, while beautiful, wouldn’t last a minute in a household with pets or kids, and it comes with a hefty price tag of $549 at Modern Dose.



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